13:45 Aintree

Full Result
  1. Inothewayurthinkin silk
    Inothewayurthinkin J: Mark Walsh 6/4F
  2. Iroko silk
    Iroko t J: Jonjo O'Neill Jr 9/2
  3. Heart Wood silk
    Heart Wood J: Rachael Blackmore 5/1
    1. Chianti Classico silk
      Chianti Classico t J: David Bass 6/1
    2. Broadway Boy silk
      Broadway Boy p J: Sam Twiston-Davies 9/1
    3. Giovinco silk
      Giovinco J: Stephen Mulqueen 8/1
Winning Trainer: Gavin Cromwell
Distances: 4, 1 1/4, 2 3/4
Runners: 6

14:20 Aintree

Full Result
  1. Kateira silk
    Kateira J: Harry Skelton 5/1C
  2. Jango Baie silk
    Jango Baie J: Nico de Boinville 9/1
  3. Inthewaterside silk
    Inthewaterside h J: Harry Cobden 7/1
    1. What's Up Darling silk
      What's Up Darling J: Jack Kennedy 14/1
    2. Spirit D'Aunou silk
      Spirit D'Aunou J: Niall Houlihan 66/1
    3. Might I silk
      Might I t J: Jonathan Burke 20/1
    4. Uncle Bert silk
      Uncle Bert J: James Turner 7 16/1
    5. Ocastle Des Mottes silk
      Ocastle Des Mottes h J: Paul Townend 5/1C
    6. Champagne Twist silk
      Champagne Twist J: Ben Jones 5/1C
    7. Guard Your Dreams silk
      Guard Your Dreams J: Sam Twiston-Davies 40/1
    8. Serious Operator silk
      Serious Operator t J: Patrick Wadge 3 28/1
    9. Sonigino silk
      Sonigino t J: Freddie Gingell 5 22/1
    10. Theatre Man silk
      Theatre Man J: Harry Bannister 12/1
    11. Boombawn silk
      Boombawn J: Kielan Woods 22/1
    12. Making Headway silk
      Making Headway p J: Henry Brooke 13/2
    13. Playful Saint silk
      Playful Saint t J: Fergus Gillard 40/1
    14. Icare Allen silk
      Icare Allen h J: Richie McLernon 50/1
    15. Springwell Bay silk
      Springwell Bay t J: Jonjo O'Neill Jr 25/1
    16. Tronador silk
      Tronador J: Danny Gilligan 3 100/1
Winning Trainer: Dan Skelton
Distances: 1 3/4, 3 1/2, 8 1/2
Runners: 19 | Non Runners: 3

14:55 Aintree

Full Result
  1. Mystical Power silk
    Mystical Power h J: Mark Walsh 11/10F
  2. Firefox silk
    Firefox J: Jack Kennedy 9/4
  3. Lookaway silk
    Lookaway p J: Jack Quinlan 20/1
    1. Mistergif silk
      Mistergif h J: Paul Townend 13/2
    2. Lump Sum silk
      Lump Sum J: Sam Twiston-Davies 9/1
    3. Personal Ambition silk
      Personal Ambition J: Kielan Woods 18/1
Winning Trainer: W P Mullins
Distances: 1/2, 9 1/2, 1 1/2
Runners: 6 | Non Runners: 2

15:30 Aintree

Full Result
  1. Jonbon silk
    Jonbon J: Nico de Boinville 11/10F
  2. Conflated silk
    Conflated p J: Jack Kennedy 12/1
  3. Protektorat silk
    Protektorat t J: Harry Skelton 9/2
    1. Envoi Allen silk
      Envoi Allen t J: Rachael Blackmore 13/2
    2. Easy Game silk
      Easy Game J: Paul Townend 20/1
    3. Minella Drama silk
      Minella Drama t J: Brian Hughes 50/1
    4. Pic D'Orhy silk
      Pic D'Orhy t J: Harry Cobden 9/2
Winning Trainer: Nicky Henderson
Distances: 1 1/4, 1 1/4, 20
Runners: 7

16:05 Aintree

Full Result
  1. Arizona Cardinal silk
    Arizona Cardinal t J: Ciaran Gethings 20/1
  2. James Du Berlais silk
    James Du Berlais t J: Paul Townend 6/1
  3. Kandoo Kid silk
    Kandoo Kid t J: Harry Cobden 10/1
    1. Celebre D'Allen silk
      Celebre D'Allen p J: Micheal Nolan 28/1
    2. Aime Desjy silk
      Aime Desjy J: Danny Mullins 16/1
    3. Fantastic Lady silk
      Fantastic Lady J: Nico de Boinville 18/1
    4. Shantreusse silk
      Shantreusse J: Darragh O'Keeffe 25/1
    5. Grandads Cottage silk
      Grandads Cottage t J: Sean Bowen 18/1
    6. Empire Steel silk
      Empire Steel J: Ryan Mania 28/1
    7. Richmond Lake silk
      Richmond Lake J: Theo Gillard 50/1
    8. Embittered silk
      Embittered t J: Sam Ewing 66/1
    9. Killer Kane silk
      Killer Kane t J: Brendan Powell 28/1
    10. Good Boy Bobby silk
      Good Boy Bobby p J: Sam Twiston-Davies 66/1
    11. The Edgar Wallace silk
      The Edgar Wallace t J: David Bass 33/1
    12. Ciel De Neige silk
      Ciel De Neige p J: Richie McLernon 33/1
    13. Francky Du Berlais silk
      Francky Du Berlais t J: Robert Dunne 80/1
    14. Shakem Up'arry silk
      Shakem Up'arry t J: Ben Jones 5/1F
    15. Classic Getaway silk
      Classic Getaway J: Mr P W Mullins 25/1
    16. Flegmatik silk
      Flegmatik tp J: Harry Skelton 25/1
    17. Bill Baxter silk
      Bill Baxter p J: James Bowen 13/2
    18. Your Darling silk
      Your Darling J: Kielan Woods 12/1
    19. Life In The Park silk
      Life In The Park t J: Rachael Blackmore 11/2
    20. Quel Destin silk
      Quel Destin b J: Bryony Frost 50/1
    21. Frero Banbou silk
      Frero Banbou J: Charlie Deutsch 14/1
Winning Trainer: Stuart Edmunds
Distances: 1, 1, shd
Runners: 24 | Non Runners: 1

16:40 Aintree

Full Result
  1. Dancing City silk
    Dancing City J: Paul Townend 4/1
  2. The Jukebox Man silk
    The Jukebox Man J: Kielan Woods 85/40F
  3. Cherie D'Am silk
    Cherie D'Am J: Harry Skelton 7/1
    1. Shanagh Bob silk
      Shanagh Bob J: Nico de Boinville 7/2
    2. Pinot Rouge silk
      Pinot Rouge p J: Edward Austin 80/1
    3. Ballybentragh silk
      Ballybentragh J: Mr David Maxwell 50/1
    4. Croke Park silk
      Croke Park J: Jack Kennedy 5/1
    5. Kyntara silk
      Kyntara J: Charlie Deutsch 10/1
Winning Trainer: W P Mullins
Distances: 5 1/2, 7 1/2, 4 3/4
Runners: 8 | Non Runners: 1

17:15 Aintree

Full Result
  1. El Jefe silk
    El Jefe ht J: Ben Smith 7 40/1
  2. Ballee silk
    Ballee h J: Mr Callum Pritchard 7 22/1
  3. Afadil silk
    Afadil p J: Freddie Gingell 5 9/1
    1. Lively Citizen silk
      Lively Citizen J: Harry Atkins 7 33/1
    2. Go Dante silk
      Go Dante tp J: Dylan Johnston 5 4/1F
    3. Rewired silk
      Rewired J: Luke Scott 5 50/1
    4. Luttrell Lad silk
      Luttrell Lad tp J: Cameron Iles 7 12/1
    5. Party Vibes silk
      Party Vibes J: Alice Stevens 5 12/1
    6. Ted Hastings silk
      Ted Hastings J: Danny Gilligan 3 20/1
    7. Zeeband silk
      Zeeband t J: Jack G Gilligan 7 17/2
    8. Skycutter silk
      Skycutter J: Tristan Durrell 3 15/2
    9. Maidenstreetprince silk
      Maidenstreetprince J: Philip Byrnes 3 11/1
    10. Brucio silk
      Brucio t J: Ben Bromley 5 16/1
    11. Eagles Reign silk
      Eagles Reign J: Shane O'Callaghan 5 14/1
    12. Jungle Jack silk
      Jungle Jack p J: Peter Kavanagh 3 40/1
    13. Your Honor silk
      Your Honor p J: Gavin Brouder 3 66/1
    14. Karuma Grey silk
      Karuma Grey J: Michael O'Sullivan 80/1
    15. Densworth silk
      Densworth t J: Beau Morgan 5 9/2
    16. Pikar silk
      Pikar t J: Fergus Gillard 16/1
Winning Trainer: Andrew Hamilton
Distances: 1 1/2, 1 1/2, shd
Runners: 19

13:58 Fakenham

Full Result
  1. Yalla Habibi silk
    Yalla Habibi t J: Bradley Harris 3 8/11F
  2. Diamond Koda silk
    Diamond Koda J: Mr Tom Broughton 5 100/30
  3. Get A Superstar silk
    Get A Superstar J: Charlie Hammond 15/2
    1. Motazzen silk
      Motazzen J: Paul O'Brien 33/1
    2. Big Cheese silk
      Big Cheese J: Gavin Sheehan 6/1
    3. Sister Julienne silk
      Sister Julienne t J: Tom Cannon 40/1
    4. Saint Vic silk
      Saint Vic J: Conor Ring 80/1
    5. J'Ventile silk
      J'Ventile J: Nick Scholfield 200/1
    6. Mop's A Legend silk
      Mop's A Legend p J: Ben Poste 125/1
Winning Trainer: Harriet Dickin
Distances: 8, 6 1/2, 12
Runners: 9

14:33 Fakenham

Full Result
  1. Ingennio silk
    Ingennio t J: Gavin Sheehan 5/2
  2. Jacks Touch silk
    Jacks Touch J: James Best 15/2
  3. Jigginstown King silk
    Jigginstown King t J: Nick Scholfield 4/1
    1. Scene One silk
      Scene One b J: Tom Cannon 9/4F
    2. Do No Wrong silk
      Do No Wrong J: Callum Bewley 11/2
Winning Trainer: Richard Hobson
Distances: 2 1/4, 6 1/2, 3
Runners: 5

15:08 Fakenham

Full Result
  1. Tip Top Tonto silk
    Tip Top Tonto v J: Charlie Hammond 7/1
  2. Clararose silk
    Clararose t J: Charlie Todd 9/1
  3. Kalnoo silk
    Kalnoo p J: Bryan Carver 12/1
    1. Celtic Fortune silk
      Celtic Fortune p J: Jack Hogan 3 5/1
    2. Cloudy Wednesday silk
      Cloudy Wednesday p J: Lewis Stones 3 9/4F
    3. Arabescato silk
      Arabescato tp J: Fergus Gregory 6/1
    4. Saint Jaguen silk
      Saint Jaguen t J: Connor Brace 4/1
Winning Trainer: Dr Richard Newland & Jamie Insole
Distances: 7, 6, 7
Runners: 7

15:43 Fakenham

Full Result
  1. The Wise Traveller silk
    The Wise Traveller J: Jamie Gambin 10 11/1
  2. Chatty Chich silk
    Chatty Chich J: Charlie Todd 85/40F
  3. Shengai Enki silk
    Shengai Enki J: Mr Alex Chadwick 7 4/1
    1. Game Socks silk
      Game Socks b J: Charlie Hammond 9/1
    2. The Bold Thady silk
      The Bold Thady p J: Thomasina Eyston 7 3/1
    3. Sadie Hill silk
      Sadie Hill t J: Ben Poste 11/2
Winning Trainer: Sarah Humphrey
Distances: 3/4, 1 1/2, 1 1/4
Runners: 6 | Non Runners: 1

16:18 Fakenham

Full Result
  1. Coastguard Station silk
    Coastguard Station p J: David Noonan 7/2
  2. Aviles silk
    Aviles tb J: Caoilin Quinn 3 100/30
  3. El Muchacho silk
    El Muchacho t J: Bradley Harris 3 6/5F
    1. Libby silk
      Libby J: Gavin Sheehan 11/1
    2. Templier silk
      Templier tp J: James Best 8/1
Winning Trainer: Henry Oliver
Distances: 1/2, 12, 3
Runners: 5

16:53 Fakenham

Full Result
  1. Bond Broker silk
    Bond Broker h J: Angus Cheleda 5 5/6F
  2. Galway Reel silk
    Galway Reel J: Charlie Todd 28/1
  3. Sixty Plus silk
    Sixty Plus J: Ben Poste 150/1
    1. Barra Blue silk
      Barra Blue J: Liam Harrison 4/1
    2. Treasure Cove silk
      Treasure Cove J: Connor Brace 11/4
    3. Midnight Sting silk
      Midnight Sting J: Charlie Hammond 14/1
    4. Icefire silk
      Icefire t J: Caoilin Quinn 3 40/1
Winning Trainer: Paul Nicholls
Distances: 6 1/2, 2 1/2, 2 1/4
Runners: 7

16:30 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Proudly Yours silk
    9 (8)
    Proudly Yours J: Colin Keane 3/1
  2. Sir Yoshi silk
    7 (4)
    Sir Yoshi J: Luke McAteer 14/1
  3. Brosay silk
    3 (7)
    Brosay J: Wesley Joyce 5 16/1
    1. Eric Lock silk
      5 (1)
      Eric Lock J: Robert Whearty 5 20/1
    2. Besiege silk
      2 (5)
      Besiege J: Seamie Heffernan 5/1
    3. Ink Sketch silk
      8 (3)
      Ink Sketch J: Dylan Browne McMonagle 28/1
    4. Captain Gallagher silk
      4 (6)
      Captain Gallagher J: Gavin Ryan 13/8F
    5. Bamako silk
      1 (9)
      Bamako J: W J Lee 6/1
    6. Legendsoftheland silk
      6 (2)
      Legendsoftheland J: Conor Maxwell 66/1
Winning Trainer: G M Lyons
Distances: 1/2, 3/4, 2 3/4
Runners: 9

17:05 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Make Clear silk
    4 (12)
    Make Clear p J: Shane Foley 16/1
  2. Phil's Dream silk
    9 (3)
    Phil's Dream tv J: Donagh O'Connor 9/2
  3. Theriverrunsdeep silk
    2 (4)
    Theriverrunsdeep b J: Seamie Heffernan 9/4F
    1. My Girl Sioux silk
      11 (7)
      My Girl Sioux J: Andrew Slattery 9/2
    2. No Speed Limit silk
      5 (11)
      No Speed Limit v J: W J Lee 6/1
    3. Reinforce silk
      7 (10)
      Reinforce J: Ronan Whelan 25/1
    4. Silver Nemo silk
      13 (5)
      Silver Nemo tb J: Wesley Joyce 5 20/1
    5. Shoebox King silk
      3 (14)
      Shoebox King J: Calum Hogan 7 14/1
    6. Are You In Or Out silk
      14 (9)
      Are You In Or Out J: James Ryan 5 50/1
    7. American In Paris silk
      10 (1)
      American In Paris b J: Sean D Bowen 5 11/1
    8. Sosallycanwait silk
      12 (13)
      Sosallycanwait J: Colin Keane 25/1
    9. Comein Comein silk
      8 (2)
      Comein Comein J: Manoel Marques 28/1
    10. Spirit Of Eagles silk
      1 (6)
      Spirit Of Eagles t J: Jack Cleary 7 33/1
Winning Trainer: Peter McCreery
Distances: 1/2, 1 1/4, shd
Runners: 13 | Non Runners: 1

17:40 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Transcending Glory silk
    5 (11)
    Transcending Glory p J: Ben Coen 9/4
  2. Spanish Cara silk
    13 (6)
    Spanish Cara J: Dylan Browne McMonagle 6/5F
  3. Gaenari silk
    8 (1)
    Gaenari h J: Danny Sheehy 4/1
    1. Zarra Ellis silk
      14 (13)
      Zarra Ellis J: W J Lee 17/2
    2. Badda Bing silk
      4 (5)
      Badda Bing J: Andrew Slattery 9/1
    3. Empress Alma silk
      7 (14)
      Empress Alma J: Gary Carroll 80/1
    4. Ragtime Milly silk
      11 (3)
      Ragtime Milly J: Shane Foley 150/1
    5. Bright Lightening silk
      6 (7)
      Bright Lightening J: J M Sheridan 50/1
    6. Layoftheland silk
      9 (8)
      Layoftheland J: Luke McAteer 200/1
    7. She's Smart silk
      12 (12)
      She's Smart J: Adam Caffrey 5 20/1
    8. Pocket Paralysis silk
      10 (10)
      Pocket Paralysis J: Conor Maxwell 200/1
    9. Making A Move silk
      2 (4)
      Making A Move h J: Mikey Sheehy 200/1
    10. Miss Bowers silk
      3 (2)
      Miss Bowers J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 200/1
Winning Trainer: J P Murtagh
Distances: 1, 1/2, 3 1/4
Runners: 13 | Non Runners: 1

18:10 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. El Bello silk
    1 (8)
    El Bello p J: Daniel King 5 15/2
  2. Ferrybank silk
    2 (15)
    Ferrybank t J: W J Lee 5/4F
  3. Wayne R Walker silk
    10 (9)
    Wayne R Walker tb J: Robbie Colgan 40/1
    1. Little Empire silk
      8 (7)
      Little Empire J: Gavin Ryan 50/1
    2. The Cola Brasil silk
      4 (5)
      The Cola Brasil tb J: James Ryan 5 13/2
    3. Circles silk
      3 (17)
      Circles tb J: Seamie Heffernan 10/1
    4. Knockmore Prince silk
      13 (10)
      Knockmore Prince J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 80/1
    5. Cherry Pink silk
      5 (11)
      Cherry Pink b J: Donagh Murphy 10 40/1
    6. Allo Arry silk
      6 (3)
      Allo Arry tv J: Keithen Kennedy 7 11/1
    7. Super Cub silk
      9 (2)
      Super Cub b J: J M Sheridan 6/1
    8. Tynamite silk
      11 (4)
      Tynamite J: Luke McAteer 10/1
    9. Gianh River silk
      14 (6)
      Gianh River J: Jack Cleary 7 125/1
    10. Curley Rose silk
      7 (13)
      Curley Rose b J: Sean Bird 7 125/1
    11. Genuine Jim silk
      12 (1)
      Genuine Jim J: Shane Foley 33/1
Winning Trainer: Denis Gerard Hogan
Distances: 1, 1/2, 1 1/4
Runners: 14 | Non Runners: 3

18:45 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Mundi silk
    9 (12)
    Mundi J: Ryan Moore 7/2
  2. Dairago silk
    4 (17)
    Dairago J: Seamie Heffernan 9/1
  3. Vina Arana silk
    15 (15)
    Vina Arana J: Colin Keane 7/1
    1. Dollerina silk
      13 (14)
      Dollerina J: Dylan Browne McMonagle 4/7F
    2. Hilasmos silk
      5 (1)
      Hilasmos J: W J Lee 22/1
    3. Wrob And Wryan silk
      12 (11)
      Wrob And Wryan J: Robbie Colgan 100/1
    4. Tokenomics silk
      11 (6)
      Tokenomics J: Luke McAteer 50/1
    5. Mexican Joe silk
      8 (16)
      Mexican Joe J: Oisin McSweeney 3 100/1
    6. Mark's One silk
      7 (2)
      Mark's One J: Gary Carroll 50/1
    7. Apache War silk
      2 (5)
      Apache War J: Declan McDonogh 50/1
    8. Albion Power silk
      1 (7)
      Albion Power J: Robert Whearty 5 33/1
    9. Rodeeve silk
      14 (13)
      Rodeeve J: Ben Coen 50/1
    10. Take Profit silk
      10 (10)
      Take Profit J: Chris Hayes 66/1
Winning Trainer: A P O'Brien
Distances: 1/2, 1 1/4, 1/2
Runners: 13 | Non Runners: 4

19:15 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Gesture silk
    1 (2)
    Gesture J: Shane Foley 9/2
  2. Gregorina silk
    10 (5)
    Gregorina v J: Ronan Whelan 33/1
  3. Cloud Seeker silk
    7 (4)
    Cloud Seeker J: Andrew Slattery 7/2
    1. Liberty Looming silk
      8 (7)
      Liberty Looming J: Rory Cleary 17/2
    2. Alto Sax silk
      6 (12)
      Alto Sax J: Colin Keane 100/30F
    3. Kiki Roberts silk
      2 (6)
      Kiki Roberts J: Neil Ryan 7 25/1
    4. Waystar silk
      11 (8)
      Waystar J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 66/1
    5. So Diligent silk
      12 (9)
      So Diligent J: Danny Sheehy 100/1
    6. Nedita silk
      4 (11)
      Nedita J: Luke McAteer 10/1
    7. Zenato silk
      5 (10)
      Zenato J: W J Lee 18/1
    8. Moutarde silk
      9 (3)
      Moutarde J: Gary Carroll 10/1
    9. Galician Girl silk
      3 (1)
      Galician Girl J: Adam Caffrey 5 4/1
    10. Flippity Flop silk
      13 (13)
      Flippity Flop J: Chris Hayes 100/1
Winning Trainer: E J O'Neill
Distances: 4 3/4, 4, 1 1/4
Runners: 13

19:45 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Power Drive silk
    9 (2)
    Power Drive p J: Dylan Browne McMonagle 7/1
  2. Dromore Glory silk
    8 (14)
    Dromore Glory J: Robert Whearty 5 14/1
  3. Kartayaz silk
    13 (13)
    Kartayaz J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 16/1
    1. Jawhary silk
      1 (8)
      Jawhary J: Cian MacRedmond 5 25/1
    2. Darkened silk
      3 (1)
      Darkened tb J: Killian Leonard 4/1F
    3. Anjah silk
      11 (7)
      Anjah tv J: Shane Foley 9/2
    4. Explorers Way silk
      5 (6)
      Explorers Way J: Jack Kearney 5 6/1
    5. Rushford silk
      4 (12)
      Rushford J: Cian Horgan 7 100/1
    6. Miss Heartbreak silk
      10 (5)
      Miss Heartbreak J: Declan McDonogh 8/1
    7. Lohengrin silk
      2 (3)
      Lohengrin t J: Seamie Heffernan 40/1
    8. Selective Power silk
      14 (4)
      Selective Power J: James Ryan 5 14/1
    9. Humanitarian silk
      7 (16)
      Humanitarian ht J: Ben Coen 17/2
    10. Albion Princess silk
      6 (9)
      Albion Princess ht J: W J Lee 14/1
    11. Dr Patrick silk
      12 (15)
      Dr Patrick J: Chris Hayes 28/1
Winning Trainer: Paul W Flynn
Distances: 4, nk, 3 3/4
Runners: 14 | Non Runners: 2

20:15 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Jazz Forever silk
    2 (10)
    Jazz Forever J: Dylan Browne McMonagle 11/1
  2. Numidia silk
    12 (13)
    Numidia v J: Killian Leonard 15/2
  3. Rock Basher silk
    9 (9)
    Rock Basher J: Declan McDonogh 15/2
    1. Say You're Sorry silk
      10 (15)
      Say You're Sorry ht J: Chris Hayes 33/1
    2. Sky Legend silk
      1 (6)
      Sky Legend tp J: J M Sheridan 13/2
    3. Muhalhel silk
      14 (14)
      Muhalhel tb J: Seamie Heffernan 8/1
    4. Hurricane Helen silk
      3 (2)
      Hurricane Helen J: Colin Keane 5/1
    5. Carslake silk
      13 (12)
      Carslake h J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 66/1
    6. Baile Locha Riach silk
      4 (7)
      Baile Locha Riach J: Ben Coen 9/2F
    7. Brave Thought silk
      5 (16)
      Brave Thought J: Oisin McSweeney 3 13/2
    8. Barretstown silk
      6 (1)
      Barretstown J: Charlie O'Dwyer 5 9/1
    9. Slaney Tide silk
      7 (4)
      Slaney Tide t J: Rory Cleary 40/1
    10. Love Mocha silk
      11 (8)
      Love Mocha J: Donagh O'Connor 100/1
    11. Keilah silk
      8 (11)
      Keilah J: Ronan Whelan 18/1
Winning Trainer: Paul W Flynn
Distances: 2 1/4, 2 1/2, 1/2
Runners: 14 | Non Runners: 2

17:30 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. Mr Squires silk
    5 (7)
    Mr Squires J: Jason Hart 9/2
  2. Cubanista silk
    7 (2)
    Cubanista J: Duran Fentiman 11/1
  3. Saisons D'Or silk
    3 (3)
    Saisons D'Or J: Jack Garritty 5/2J
    1. Theotherside silk
      6 (1)
      Theotherside J: Kieran O'Neill 28/1
    2. Crypto Quest silk
      4 (5)
      Crypto Quest J: Rowan Scott 5/1
    3. Turbo Command silk
      2 (4)
      Turbo Command p J: Paul Mulrennan 5/2J
    4. Gioiella silk
      1 (6)
      Gioiella b J: Hollie Doyle 12/1
Winning Trainer: Roger Fell & Sean Murray
Distances: 2 3/4, 1, 5 1/2
Runners: 7

18:00 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. Dance And Romance silk
    10 (9)
    Dance And Romance J: David Probert 11/2
  2. Moon Man silk
    4 (5)
    Moon Man J: Daniel Tudhope 3/1
  3. Travis silk
    7 (3)
    Travis J: Grace McEntee 3 50/1
    1. Sioux Warrior silk
      6 (4)
      Sioux Warrior J: Jim Crowley 5/2
    2. Restless Prince silk
      5 (6)
      Restless Prince J: Clifford Lee 16/1
    3. Warriors Dream silk
      8 (1)
      Warriors Dream J: Robert Havlin 9/5F
    4. Locomotive silk
      3 (8)
      Locomotive J: Jack Garritty 40/1
    5. Park Hill Sally silk
      11 (7)
      Park Hill Sally J: George Wood 100/1
    6. Just Typical silk
      2 (10)
      Just Typical J: Paddy Mathers 200/1
    7. Ayurveda silk
      9 (2)
      Ayurveda J: Daniel Muscutt 18/1
    8. Debt Owings silk
      1 (11)
      Debt Owings tb J: George Rooke 200/1
Winning Trainer: Andrew Balding
Distances: hd, nk, 2 3/4
Runners: 11

18:30 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. Young Endless silk
    6 (12)
    Young Endless v J: Rossa Ryan 11/4F
  2. Billy Bathgate silk
    4 (8)
    Billy Bathgate p J: Jason Hart 11/1
  3. Pierrefonds silk
    9 (7)
    Pierrefonds ht J: Daniel Muscutt 9/2
    1. Henry The Fifth silk
      11 (5)
      Henry The Fifth tp J: William Carson 100/1
    2. Fighting Poet silk
      10 (1)
      Fighting Poet b J: Kaiya Fraser 5 50/1
    3. Casa Luna silk
      8 (2)
      Casa Luna J: David Probert 15/2
    4. Further Measure silk
      2 (4)
      Further Measure p J: Harry Davies 7/2
    5. Lednikov silk
      3 (3)
      Lednikov v J: Paul Mulrennan 11/1
    6. Kitten's Dream silk
      12 (6)
      Kitten's Dream v J: Kieran O'Neill 50/1
    7. Truth Will Out silk
      1 (10)
      Truth Will Out J: Ross Coakley 14/1
    8. Bond Spirit silk
      7 (11)
      Bond Spirit p J: Robert Havlin 17/2
Winning Trainer: L J Morgan
Distances: 3 1/2, 1 1/2, nk
Runners: 11 | Non Runners: 1

19:00 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. Molly Mischief silk
    5 (10)
    Molly Mischief J: Lewis Edmunds 13/2
  2. Louisiana Bay silk
    1 (9)
    Louisiana Bay J: James Doyle 5/6F
  3. The Bay Warrior silk
    3 (7)
    The Bay Warrior p J: Robert Havlin 7/2
    1. Bay Of Naples silk
      6 (1)
      Bay Of Naples tp J: Tom Eaves 22/1
    2. Iftikhaar silk
      7 (8)
      Iftikhaar p J: Daniel Muscutt 40/1
    3. Persian Wolf silk
      10 (3)
      Persian Wolf p J: Joanna Mason 40/1
    4. Damoiseau silk
      8 (4)
      Damoiseau tp J: Paddy Mathers 16/1
    5. Franco Grasso silk
      4 (2)
      Franco Grasso b J: Rossa Ryan 16/1
    6. Straitouttacompton silk
      9 (5)
      Straitouttacompton t J: Kieran O'Neill 80/1
    7. Kintaro silk
      2 (6)
      Kintaro b J: Oisin Orr 20/1
Winning Trainer: Jennie Candlish
Distances: 6 1/2, 1 1/4, 1/2
Runners: 10

19:30 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. My Margie silk
    4 (2)
    My Margie J: Finley Marsh 5/2
  2. Completed silk
    3 (3)
    Completed J: Clifford Lee 7/2
  3. Alhattan silk
    5 (5)
    Alhattan J: Jim Crowley EvensF
    1. Speriamo silk
      2 (4)
      Speriamo J: Adam Farragher 20/1
    2. Signora Bellissima silk
      1 (1)
      Signora Bellissima b J: Brandon Wilkie 5 40/1
Winning Trainer: Richard Hughes
Distances: 1/2, 1 1/4, 3/4
Runners: 5

20:00 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. Prince Eric silk
    5 (3)
    Prince Eric J: Daniel Muscutt 2/1F
  2. Commander Of Life silk
    3 (2)
    Commander Of Life J: Rossa Ryan 17/2
  3. Never Better silk
    2 (1)
    Never Better J: James Doyle 11/4
    1. Sir Gabrial silk
      1 (9)
      Sir Gabrial J: Kieran O'Neill 9/1
    2. Liveandletlive silk
      4 (7)
      Liveandletlive J: Lewis Edmunds 3/1
    3. Gamblers Kitty silk
      6 (8)
      Gamblers Kitty J: Marco Ghiani 20/1
    4. Ravenswell silk
      8 (6)
      Ravenswell J: George Rooke 50/1
    5. Game Management silk
      7 (4)
      Game Management J: Tom Eaves 40/1
    6. Daylight Ransom silk
      9 (5)
      Daylight Ransom J: Josephine Gordon 200/1
Winning Trainer: James Ferguson
Distances: hd, 1 1/4, 1 1/4
Runners: 9

20:30 Southwell (AW)

Full Result
  1. Masham Moor silk
    7 (3)
    Masham Moor J: Paula Muir 3 15/2
  2. Van Zant silk
    5 (7)
    Van Zant p J: James Sullivan 11/4F
  3. Angel Of Antrim silk
    4 (9)
    Angel Of Antrim p J: Josephine Gordon 9/2
    1. Specialist View silk
      6 (4)
      Specialist View J: Marco Ghiani 3/1
    2. Reformed Character silk
      8 (8)
      Reformed Character t J: Grace McEntee 3 17/2
    3. Urban Champion silk
      9 (1)
      Urban Champion J: Clifford Lee 12/1
    4. Pop Favorite silk
      3 (5)
      Pop Favorite b J: Elisha Whittington 3 22/1
    5. Wee Geordie silk
      2 (6)
      Wee Geordie J: Rossa Ryan 9/1
Winning Trainer: Simon West
Distances: nk, 3/4, 2
Runners: 8 | Non Runners: 1

12:25 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Herrenchiemsee silk
    5 (5)
    Herrenchiemsee t J: Aurelien Lemaitre 19/10J
  2. La Guapisima silk
    7 (7)
    La Guapisima J: Maxime Guyon 21/10
  3. Docteur Safi silk
    4 (4)
    Docteur Safi J: Mme Frida Valle Skar 3 18/1
    1. Mister Chang silk
      1 (6)
      Mister Chang J: Anthony Crastus 19/10J
    2. Gallius silk
      2 (1)
      Gallius J: Hugo Journiac 27/1
    3. Bombonera silk
      6 (2)
      Bombonera J: Ronan Thomas 9/1
Winning Trainer: F Vermeulen
Distances: 2 1/2, 1 1/2, hd
Runners: 6 | Non Runners: 1

13:00 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Gala Real silk
    6 (5)
    Gala Real J: Christophe Soumillon 73/10
  2. Wootton Zi silk
    7 (2)
    Wootton Zi J: Maxime Guyon 4/1
  3. Alakai silk
    1 (7)
    Alakai J: Mickael Barzalona 11/5F
    1. Wasabi silk
      4 (6)
      Wasabi J: Jacky Nicoleau 23/10
    2. Bonny Way silk
      3 (3)
      Bonny Way J: Stephane Pasquier 18/1
    3. The White Lady silk
      2 (4)
      The White Lady J: Ioritz Mendizabal 12/1
    4. Zaniah silk
      5 (1)
      Zaniah J: Antonio Orani 7/1
Winning Trainer: A & G Botti
Distances: 3 1/2, hd, 4 1/2
Runners: 7

13:35 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Just In Time Game silk
    5 (2)
    Just In Time Game J: Enzo Crublet 3 16/5
  2. Black Lives Matter silk
    1 (1)
    Black Lives Matter b J: Cesar Belmont 5 58/10
  3. Fleur De Sel silk
    4 (4)
    Fleur De Sel t J: Christopher Raimbault 6 47/10
    1. Schwendi silk
      6 (5)
      Schwendi J: Pierre Remoue 7 33/10
    2. Custard Tarte silk
      7 (6)
      Custard Tarte J: Dorian Provost 5 58/10
    3. Kassar Said silk
      3 (3)
      Kassar Said ht J: Louis Bouton 6 31/10F
Winning Trainer: M Brasme
Distances: 3, 2 1/2, 3/4
Runners: 6 | Non Runners: 1

14:10 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Bejar silk
    6 (7)
    Bejar t J: Mickael Barzalona 11/5F
  2. Sesto Elemento silk
    5 (4)
    Sesto Elemento t J: Theo Bachelot 78/10
  3. Familiar silk
    2 (3)
    Familiar J: Luca Carboni 8 39/10
    1. Letwar silk
      4 (6)
      Letwar J: Cristian Demuro 13/5
    2. Gold O'Boy silk
      3 (2)
      Gold O'Boy J: Tony Piccone 12/1
    3. Tenyearsafter silk
      1 (5)
      Tenyearsafter p J: Dorian Provost 8 19/1
    4. Princess silk
      7 (1)
      Princess J: Maxime Guyon 5/1
Winning Trainer: Brian Beaunez
Distances: 1, 4, hd
Runners: 7

14:45 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Flight Leader silk
    3 (1)
    Flight Leader J: Maxime Guyon 23/10F
  2. Diamond Vendome silk
    6 (3)
    Diamond Vendome tp J: Mme Maryline Eon 31/1
  3. Azov silk
    7 (4)
    Azov ht J: Theo Bachelot 27/10
    1. Mantoog silk
      9 (2)
      Mantoog J: Aurelien Lemaitre 11/1
    2. Veil Of Shadows silk
      2 (9)
      Veil Of Shadows J: Mickael Barzalona 79/10
    3. Zulu Warrior silk
      1 (5)
      Zulu Warrior J: Alexis Pouchin 5/1
    4. Dschingis Star silk
      8 (6)
      Dschingis Star J: Cristian Demuro 17/1
    5. Syrakus silk
      4 (7)
      Syrakus J: Olivier Peslier 57/10
    6. Only The Brave silk
      5 (8)
      Only The Brave J: Tony Piccone 51/1
Winning Trainer: A Fabre
Distances: 1, 1 3/4, snk
Runners: 9

15:20 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Sadak silk
    3 (4)
    Sadak J: Mickael Barzalona 42/10
  2. Meautis silk
    5 (7)
    Meautis J: Christophe Soumillon 21/10F
  3. King Trezy silk
    4 (5)
    King Trezy J: Ronan Thomas 22/5
    1. Sky Gold silk
      2 (1)
      Sky Gold tp J: Theo Bachelot 9/1
    2. Lala Light silk
      6 (8)
      Lala Light J: Maxime Guyon 11/1
    3. Rue Custine silk
      7 (2)
      Rue Custine J: Tony Piccone 20/1
    4. Haya Of Star silk
      1 (3)
      Haya Of Star h J: Pierre Remoue 8 49/10
    5. Private Dinning silk
      8 (6)
      Private Dinning p J: Ioritz Mendizabal 9/1
Winning Trainer: A Fabre
Distances: hd, 3 1/2, 7
Runners: 8

15:55 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. True Romance silk
    9 (2)
    True Romance t J: Hugo Boutin 94/10
  2. Kakarotto silk
    2 (5)
    Kakarotto J: Corentin Berge 3 20/1
  3. Giorgiana silk
    3 (3)
    Giorgiana tp J: Leo Roussel 14/1
    1. Major Oak silk
      1 (9)
      Major Oak J: Maxime Guyon 6/4F
    2. Sirius Slew silk
      6 (10)
      Sirius Slew p J: Hugo Besnier 10/1
    3. Intemporelle silk
      8 (6)
      Intemporelle t J: Thomas Trullier 17/1
    4. Natural Path silk
      4 (4)
      Natural Path tp J: Theo Bachelot 5/1
    5. Valdikhova silk
      7 (1)
      Valdikhova tp J: Antoine Subias 6 11/1
    6. La Loire silk
      10 (8)
      La Loire J: Alexander Pietsch 24/1
    7. Jeliel silk
      5 (7)
      Jeliel t J: Pierre Bazire 11/2
Winning Trainer: M Boutin
Distances: nk, 4, 1
Runners: 10

16:30 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Noirelle silk
    10 (1)
    Noirelle p J: Eddy Hardouin 16/5
  2. Hadleigh silk
    9 (9)
    Hadleigh t J: Thomas Trullier 14/1
  3. Almagro silk
    1 (6)
    Almagro t J: Mme Maryline Eon 3 4/1
    1. Petit Chose silk
      6 (2)
      Petit Chose J: Christophe Soumillon 9/1
    2. Belle silk
      11 (3)
      Belle p J: Aurelien Lemaitre 87/10
    3. Mister Power silk
      5 (7)
      Mister Power t J: Axel Baron 11/1
    4. Master Light silk
      12 (11)
      Master Light t J: Hugo Journiac 34/1
    5. Foxey Lady silk
      7 (5)
      Foxey Lady t J: Rosario Mangione 31/10F
    6. Yor silk
      2 (10)
      Yor h J: Cristian Demuro 30/1
    7. Kindy Bere silk
      4 (4)
      Kindy Bere h J: Pierre Remoue 5 25/1
    8. Garde Cote silk
      8 (12)
      Garde Cote b J: Ludovic Boisseau 18/1
    9. Park Avenue silk
      3 (8)
      Park Avenue ht J: Mickael Forest 65/1
Winning Trainer: Carina Fey
Distances: snk, 1 1/4, snk
Runners: 12

17:05 Saint-Cloud

Full Result
  1. Watt Ohm silk
    3 (7)
    Watt Ohm h J: Axel Baron 144/10
  2. Sapristi silk
    7 (10)
    Sapristi J: Ronan Thomas 89/10
  3. Kate Daddy silk
    5 (8)
    Kate Daddy t J: Mme Sophie Chuette 3 5/1
    1. Touques silk
      10 (9)
      Touques t J: Sebastien Just 6 83/10
    2. Kaleobayane silk
      8 (11)
      Kaleobayane t J: Hugo Journiac 17/2
    3. Venice Way silk
      1 (1)
      Venice Way tp J: Theo Bachelot 29/10F
    4. Pennywell silk
      11 (5)
      Pennywell t J: Luka Rousseau 39/1
    5. Bazel silk
      2 (2)
      Bazel t J: Cesar Belmont 3 22/1
    6. Salsa Du Demon silk
      6 (4)
      Salsa Du Demon tp J: Eddy Hardouin 16/1
    7. Coco Love silk
      9 (3)
      Coco Love J: Hugo Boutin 61/10
    8. Way To Marseille silk
      4 (6)
      Way To Marseille tb J: Maxime Guyon 74/10
Winning Trainer: A Baron
Distances: shd, hd, 2 1/2
Runners: 11

22:16 Keeneland

Full Result
  1. Master Of The Seas silk
    4 (3)
    Master Of The Seas h J: William Buick 76/100F
  2. Naval Power silk
    3 (2)
    Naval Power h J: Tyler Gaffalione 58/10
  3. Integration silk
    8 (6)
    Integration J: Frankie Dettori 15/4
    1. Shirl's Speight silk
      6 (5)
      Shirl's Speight J: Luis Saez 153/10
    2. Emmanuel silk
      2 (1)
      Emmanuel J: Irad Ortiz Jr 17/2
    3. Kubrick silk
      5 (4)
      Kubrick J: Flavien Prat 43/5
Winning Trainer: Charlie Appleby
Distances: 2 1/4, 2 1/4, nk
Runners: 6 | Non Runners: 2

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