12:20 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Magic Seven silk
    Magic Seven J: Jonjo O'Neill Jr 4/11F
  2. Face D'Music silk
    Face D'Music J: Shane Quinlan 3 6/1
  3. Two To Tango silk
    Two To Tango J: Tom Bellamy 11/1
    1. Prolific Profile silk
      Prolific Profile J: Finn Lambert 5 80/1
    2. Alfie Sharp silk
      Alfie Sharp J: Micheal Nolan 250/1
    3. Mac's Legacy silk
      Mac's Legacy p J: Ben Jones 40/1
    4. Saxons Lane silk
      Saxons Lane J: Tom Cannon 4/1
    5. Lady Corrib silk
      Lady Corrib J: Conor Ring 3 200/1
Winning Trainer: Jonjo O'Neill
Distances: 5, 3/4, 13
Runners: 8 | Non Runners: 1

12:50 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Great Ocean silk
    Great Ocean tp J: Joe Anderson 5 4/1
  2. Man Of The Sea silk
    Man Of The Sea tp J: Dylan Whelan 7 4/1
  3. Silver Atom silk
    Silver Atom J: Miss Brodie Hampson 3 16/1
    1. Force De Frap silk
      Force De Frap tp J: James Best 7/1
    2. She Has Notions silk
      She Has Notions p J: Harry Atkins 10 12/1
    3. Iron D'Ex silk
      Iron D'Ex J: Sean Houlihan 18/1
    4. Passionate Pursuit silk
      Passionate Pursuit p J: Tom Cannon 13/2
    5. African Sun silk
      African Sun p J: Harriet Tucker 7 28/1
    6. Angel's Voice silk
      Angel's Voice tp J: Toby Wynne 3 33/1
    7. Book Of Verse silk
      Book Of Verse p J: Cillin Leonard 5 150/1
    8. Knot On Time silk
      Knot On Time h J: Tom Bellamy 40/1
    9. Mammies Boy silk
      Mammies Boy J: Jonjo O'Neill Jr 11/4F
    10. Sally's Girl silk
      Sally's Girl J: Harry Bannister 100/1
Winning Trainer: Neil Mulholland
Distances: 1 1/2, 8 1/2, 1 3/4
Runners: 13 | Non Runners: 1

13:25 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Johnny Mac silk
    Johnny Mac t J: Lee Edwards 11/2
  2. Phoenix Aquilus silk
    Phoenix Aquilus J: James Bowen 6/1
  3. Dusky Days silk
    Dusky Days J: Tom Bellamy 11/2
    1. Full Of Light silk
      Full Of Light t J: Cillin Leonard 5 11/1
    2. Beannaigh Do silk
      Beannaigh Do J: Brendan Powell 28/1
    3. Herecomeshogan silk
      Herecomeshogan tp J: Fergus Gillard 3 8/1
    4. Whyzzat silk
      Whyzzat J: Tabitha Worsley 3 150/1
    5. Criquette silk
      Criquette J: Harry Bannister 14/1
    6. Cobbs Corner silk
      Cobbs Corner J: James Davies 7/2F
    7. Loudspeaker silk
      Loudspeaker J: Sean Houlihan 4/1
Winning Trainer: Matt Sheppard
Distances: 1, 1/2, 4 3/4
Runners: 10 | Non Runners: 4

14:00 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Casa No Mento silk
    Casa No Mento J: Finn Lambert 5 1/2F
  2. Muskoka silk
    Muskoka J: Tom Bellamy 7/2
  3. Global Esteem silk
    Global Esteem t J: Liam Harrison 6/1
    1. Inchiquin Spirit silk
      Inchiquin Spirit t J: Ciaran Gethings 125/1
    2. Martalite silk
      Martalite J: Brendan Powell 100/1
    3. Bob O Rhino silk
      Bob O Rhino h J: Shane Quinlan 3 150/1
    4. Grandmaster Flash silk
      Grandmaster Flash p J: Robert Williams 3 100/1
    5. Mr Zee silk
      Mr Zee J: James Best 66/1
    6. Get The Value silk
      Get The Value J: Nick Scholfield 18/1
    7. Jupiter And Mars silk
      Jupiter And Mars t J: Stan Sheppard 9/1
    8. Radharc Na Slaine silk
      Radharc Na Slaine J: James Bowen 50/1
Winning Trainer: Nigel Twiston-Davies
Distances: 15, 3, 11
Runners: 11

14:35 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Ooh Betty silk
    Ooh Betty t J: Ben Jones 15/2
  2. Weseekherthere silk
    Weseekherthere p J: Micheal Nolan 33/1
  3. Fenney Brook silk
    Fenney Brook J: Shane Quinlan 3 11/1
    1. Flight Of Freedom silk
      Flight Of Freedom J: Tom Bellamy 5/2
    2. Addosh silk
      Addosh t J: Ciaran Gethings 14/1
    3. Redwood Queen silk
      Redwood Queen J: Finn Lambert 5 4/1
    4. Grivetana silk
      Grivetana J: Miss Olive Nicholls 7 13/8F
Winning Trainer: Ben Clarke
Distances: 8 1/2, 3/4, 4 3/4
Runners: 7 | Non Runners: 1

15:10 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Hipop Des Ongrais silk
    Hipop Des Ongrais J: Harry Kimber 3 9/4F
  2. Pilot Show silk
    Pilot Show J: James Bowen 7/2
  3. Cobra Commander silk
    Cobra Commander J: Ben Poste 16/1
    1. Tide Times silk
      Tide Times J: Charlie Todd 18/1
    2. Langley Hundred silk
      Langley Hundred t J: Elizabeth Gale 7 11/2
    3. My Bad Lucy silk
      My Bad Lucy J: Tabitha Worsley 3 11/1
    4. Paseo silk
      Paseo J: Charlie Deutsch 9/2
    5. Faustinovick silk
      Faustinovick tb J: Freddie Gingell 5 10/1
    6. Coral silk
      Coral J: Adam Wedge 80/1
Winning Trainer: Robert Walford
Distances: 2 1/4, 13, 10
Runners: 9 | Non Runners: 1

15:45 Hereford

Full Result
  1. Jackpot Des Bordes silk
    Jackpot Des Bordes J: Harry Cobden 4/5F
  2. The Grey Man silk
    The Grey Man J: Ben Poste 12/1
  3. French Symphony silk
    French Symphony J: Ben Jones 9/4
    1. Doeshefitthebill silk
      Doeshefitthebill t J: Jonjo O'Neill Jr 4/1
    2. Fixed Wing silk
      Fixed Wing J: Brendan Powell 40/1
    3. Braunton Burrows silk
      Braunton Burrows J: Tabitha Worsley 3 125/1
    4. Darcy's Glance silk
      Darcy's Glance J: James Martin 7 80/1
    5. Red Ripple silk
      Red Ripple J: Kevin Brogan 125/1
Winning Trainer: Paul Nicholls
Distances: 2 3/4, 1/2, nk
Runners: 8 | Non Runners: 1

12:30 Kelso

Full Result
  1. Wyenot silk
    Wyenot J: Richard Patrick 11/8F
  2. Similar Story silk
    Similar Story J: Sam Coltherd 13/2
  3. Blow The Budget silk
    Blow The Budget J: Patrick Wadge 3 12/1
    1. Bridgetjoans silk
      Bridgetjoans J: Callum Bewley 300/1
    2. Fortune Forever silk
      Fortune Forever J: Paddy Brennan 5/1
    3. Libby silk
      Libby p J: Nathan Moscrop 12/1
    4. Hellenista silk
      Hellenista J: Jamie Hamilton 50/1
    5. Fiveafterfour silk
      Fiveafterfour t J: Derek Fox 9/2
    6. Anamanda silk
      Anamanda h J: Bruce Lynn 3 15/2
    7. Woogrey silk
      Woogrey J: Miss Pippa Brown 7 200/1
    8. Fllana Bay silk
      Fllana Bay h J: Conor Rabbitt 5 125/1
Winning Trainer: Henry Daly
Distances: 19, 3/4, 1 3/4
Runners: 11

13:00 Kelso

Full Result
  1. Young Buster silk
    Young Buster J: Paddy Brennan 15/8F
  2. Busty Boy silk
    Busty Boy J: Brian Hughes 5/2
  3. Swallows Song silk
    Swallows Song J: Craig Nichol 11/4
    1. Prince Des Fichaux silk
      Prince Des Fichaux p J: Theo Gillard 14/1
    2. Overcourt silk
      Overcourt J: Sam Coltherd 13/2
Winning Trainer: Fergal O'Brien
Distances: 6 1/2, 1, 10
Runners: 5

13:35 Kelso

Full Result
  1. Eden Mill silk
    Eden Mill J: Craig Nichol 3/1
  2. So They Say silk
    So They Say t J: Derek Fox 20/1
  3. Blame Rose silk
    Blame Rose tp J: Nathan Moscrop 33/1
    1. Secret Secret silk
      Secret Secret h J: Charlotte Jones 3 2/1F
    2. Breakdance Kid silk
      Breakdance Kid J: Sam Coltherd 50/1
    3. Just Call Me Al silk
      Just Call Me Al J: Brian Hughes 16/1
    4. You Some Girl silk
      You Some Girl h J: Ross Chapman 10/1
    5. Bouncing Bobby silk
      Bouncing Bobby J: Theo Gillard 11/1
    6. Silver Vision silk
      Silver Vision J: Edward Austin 5 150/1
    7. Iolani silk
      Iolani p J: Conor Rabbitt 5 16/1
    8. Tumbling Dice silk
      Tumbling Dice J: Alan Doyle 5 125/1
    9. Hattons Gardens silk
      Hattons Gardens tp J: Ryan Mania 4/1
    10. Melchoir silk
      Melchoir t J: Bruce Lynn 3 20/1
Winning Trainer: Donald Whillans
Distances: 7, hd, 4 1/2
Runners: 13 | Non Runners: 1

14:10 Kelso

Full Result
  1. Niceandeasy silk
    Niceandeasy tp J: Bruce Lynn 3 12/1
  2. Guernesey silk
    Guernesey J: Jamie Hamilton 33/1
  3. Had To Be Hugo silk
    Had To Be Hugo p J: Ross Chapman 11/2
    1. Jem In Em silk
      Jem In Em t J: Conner McCann 7 15/8F
    2. Haveyougotmymoney silk
      Haveyougotmymoney p J: Craig Nichol 11/4
    3. Nights In Venice silk
      Nights In Venice J: Brian Hughes 6/1
    4. Cosmic Outlaw silk
      Cosmic Outlaw v J: Patrick Wadge 3 10/1
Winning Trainer: N W Alexander
Distances: 3/4, 5, nk
Runners: 7 | Non Runners: 1

14:45 Kelso

Full Result
  1. Ballin Bay silk
    Ballin Bay J: Jamie Hamilton 100/30
  2. Enemy At The Gate silk
    Enemy At The Gate J: Brian Hughes 6/4F
  3. Firth Of Forth silk
    Firth Of Forth p J: Craig Nichol 5/1
    1. Beat The Retreat silk
      Beat The Retreat t J: Bruce Lynn 3 9/2
    2. Hidden Commander silk
      Hidden Commander tp J: Sam Coltherd 6/1
Winning Trainer: Pauline Robson
Distances: 1 1/2, 18, 5
Runners: 5 | Non Runners: 3

15:20 Kelso

Full Result
  1. Gipsy Lee Rose silk
    Gipsy Lee Rose tv J: Bruce Lynn 3 5/2F
  2. Bretney silk
    Bretney p J: Alice Stevens 6 7/2
  3. Camp Belan silk
    Camp Belan v J: Patrick Wadge 3 3/1
    1. Without Conviction silk
      Without Conviction t J: Alan Doyle 15/2
    2. Conquredalofeurope silk
      Conquredalofeurope b J: Peter Kavanagh 3 7/2
Winning Trainer: N W Alexander
Distances: shd, 5 1/2, 1/2
Runners: 5 | Non Runners: 2

12:40 Wetherby

Full Result
  1. Cerendipity silk
    Cerendipity J: Daryl Jacob 11/4
  2. Ukantango silk
    Ukantango J: Sean Bowen 9/2
  3. Jipcot silk
    Jipcot J: Kielan Woods 2/1F
    1. Missed Tee silk
      Missed Tee J: Harry Skelton 100/30
    2. Chapel Green silk
      Chapel Green J: Stephen Mulqueen 17/2
Winning Trainer: Sue Smith
Distances: 1 3/4, 2 1/4, 1/2
Runners: 5

13:15 Wetherby

Full Result
  1. Kourosh silk
    Kourosh J: Harry Skelton 8/11F
  2. Star Turn silk
    Star Turn J: Gavin Sheehan 15/2
  3. I'm Too Tired silk
    I'm Too Tired p J: Sean Quinlan 3/1
    1. Mandega silk
      Mandega J: Emma Smith-Chaston 3 50/1
    2. Normy Knight silk
      Normy Knight J: Henry Brooke 33/1
    3. Yorkstone silk
      Yorkstone J: Sean Bowen 13/2
Winning Trainer: Dan Skelton
Distances: 21, 11, hd
Runners: 6

13:50 Wetherby

Full Result
  1. No But I Will silk
    No But I Will J: Henry Brooke 7/2
  2. Snipe silk
    Snipe J: Harry Skelton 3/1
  3. Duo D'Enfer silk
    Duo D'Enfer t J: Emma Smith-Chaston 3 10/1
    1. Jet Legs silk
      Jet Legs J: Stephen Mulqueen 5/2F
    2. Danilo D'Airy silk
      Danilo D'Airy J: Gavin Sheehan 22/1
    3. Mister Bo silk
      Mister Bo J: David Noonan 50/1
    4. Phantom Getaway silk
      Phantom Getaway J: Jonathan Burke 7/2
Winning Trainer: Oliver Greenall & Josh Guerriero
Distances: 1, 3, nse
Runners: 7

14:25 Wetherby

Full Result
  1. Toonagh Warrior silk
    Toonagh Warrior J: Charlie Hammond 5/2
  2. The Village Way silk
    The Village Way J: Harry Skelton EvensF
  3. Notimeforanother silk
    Notimeforanother J: Henry Brooke 10/1
    1. Rumoursareflying silk
      Rumoursareflying J: Paul O'Brien 40/1
    2. Taras Halls silk
      Taras Halls J: Daryl Jacob 4/1
Winning Trainer: Stuart Edmunds
Distances: 5 1/2, 24, nk
Runners: 5 | Non Runners: 1

15:00 Wetherby

Full Result
  1. Gallic Geordie silk
    Gallic Geordie J: Ned Fox 5 5/1
  2. Hystery Bere silk
    Hystery Bere J: Daryl Jacob 9/4
  3. Netywell silk
    Netywell J: Stephen Mulqueen 11/8F
    1. Escapeandevade silk
      Escapeandevade J: Danny McMenamin 9/2
Winning Trainer: Samuel Drinkwater
Distances: 2 1/4, 4, 4 1/2
Runners: 4 | Non Runners: 1

15:35 Wetherby

Full Result
  1. Audacious Annie silk
    Audacious Annie J: Gavin Sheehan 11/8F
  2. Seas The Day silk
    Seas The Day J: Connor Brace 11/2
  3. Giver The Hollie silk
    Giver The Hollie J: Jonathan Burke 4/1
    1. Moonlit Potter silk
      Moonlit Potter J: Daryl Jacob 5/2
    2. No Can See silk
      No Can See J: Harry Reed 80/1
    3. Macmolly silk
      Macmolly t J: Richie McLernon 28/1
    4. Sky's Your Limit silk
      Sky's Your Limit h J: Lewis Dobb 7 66/1
    5. Lady Haleth silk
      Lady Haleth h J: William Shanahan 5 25/1
Winning Trainer: Jamie Snowden
Distances: 2 1/2, 1 1/4, nse
Runners: 8 | Non Runners: 1

15:25 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Scorchio silk
    1 (2)
    Scorchio p J: Wesley Joyce 5 4/6F
  2. Mary Shoelaces silk
    4 (4)
    Mary Shoelaces b J: Chris Hayes 9/2
  3. Stopitnowjulia silk
    7 (6)
    Stopitnowjulia t J: Jamie Powell 3 50/1
    1. Milliethemollie silk
      6 (5)
      Milliethemollie ht J: Oisin McSweeney 5 5/1
    2. Signor Ferrari silk
      2 (7)
      Signor Ferrari p J: W J Lee 17/2
    3. Charles Atlas silk
      8 (8)
      Charles Atlas v J: Nathan Crosse 18/1
    4. Dabirsim Flyer silk
      3 (1)
      Dabirsim Flyer J: Adam Caffrey 5 33/1
Winning Trainer: Jack W Davison
Distances: 1/2, 3 1/4, 1 3/4
Runners: 7 | Non Runners: 1

15:55 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Seti silk
    10 (2)
    Seti J: Robert Whearty 5 40/1
  2. Bruce Lightning silk
    9 (1)
    Bruce Lightning h J: Jack Kearney 5 33/1
  3. Gesture silk
    7 (3)
    Gesture J: Leigh Roche 7/1
    1. Exceeding silk
      4 (4)
      Exceeding J: Cian Horgan 7 16/1
    2. Rebelsontherun silk
      1 (5)
      Rebelsontherun J: Colin Keane 7/2
    3. Alex Belardo silk
      6 (8)
      Alex Belardo J: Donagh O'Connor 66/1
    4. Miss Alaska silk
      8 (6)
      Miss Alaska t J: Mikey Sheehy 12/1
    5. Ciao For Now silk
      12 (7)
      Ciao For Now J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 11/2
    6. Cuban Confusion silk
      2 (12)
      Cuban Confusion J: Luke McAteer 6/4F
    7. Twotwo And Two silk
      11 (10)
      Twotwo And Two J: Seamie Heffernan 40/1
    8. Solar Falcon silk
      5 (11)
      Solar Falcon v J: W J Lee 150/1
    9. Indian Alliance silk
      3 (9)
      Indian Alliance t J: Declan McDonogh 8/1
Winning Trainer: Noel Meade
Distances: 1/2, 1 3/4, nse
Runners: 12

16:25 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Gobi Star silk
    4 (2)
    Gobi Star tb J: Jack Kearney 5 4/1
  2. Exquisite Acclaim silk
    1 (1)
    Exquisite Acclaim v J: Adam Caffrey 5 6/1
  3. Secret Magician silk
    6 (17)
    Secret Magician b J: Conor Stone-Walsh 7 12/1
    1. Rockbury Lad silk
      9 (11)
      Rockbury Lad p J: Leigh Roche 10/1
    2. Little Keilee silk
      11 (12)
      Little Keilee J: Scott McCullagh 3 12/1
    3. Mere Accountant silk
      12 (6)
      Mere Accountant J: Shane B Kelly 11/1
    4. Half Nutz silk
      5 (8)
      Half Nutz J: Jamie Powell 3 11/1
    5. Super Over silk
      3 (10)
      Super Over p J: Ross Coakley 3/1F
    6. Not Just Yet silk
      13 (4)
      Not Just Yet J: Colin Keane 5/1
    7. Furnace Creek silk
      2 (14)
      Furnace Creek J: Robbie Colgan 20/1
    8. Venetian silk
      8 (3)
      Venetian J: Sean Davis 150/1
    9. Arthur's Victory silk
      14 (16)
      Arthur's Victory J: Seamie Heffernan 50/1
    10. Tamazu silk
      7 (5)
      Tamazu t J: Calum Hogan 10 66/1
    11. Angel Above silk
      10 (13)
      Angel Above J: Chris Hayes 40/1
Winning Trainer: Patrick Martin
Distances: shd, 3/4, 1/2
Runners: 14 | Non Runners: 3

17:00 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Dream Today silk
    7 (6)
    Dream Today tp J: Rory Cleary 15/2
  2. Dandyville silk
    2 (3)
    Dandyville J: W J Lee 15/8F
  3. Apache Outlaw silk
    6 (8)
    Apache Outlaw J: Chris Hayes 4/1
    1. Hodd's Girl silk
      3 (1)
      Hodd's Girl J: Adam Caffrey 5 5/1
    2. Mickey The Steel silk
      4 (5)
      Mickey The Steel tp J: Leigh Roche 12/1
    3. Big Gossey silk
      1 (2)
      Big Gossey J: Robert Whearty 5 4/1
    4. Tawaazon silk
      5 (4)
      Tawaazon tb J: Jamie Powell 3 18/1
Winning Trainer: Adrian McGuinness
Distances: nk, nk, 1
Runners: 7 | Non Runners: 1

17:30 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Honketonk Angel silk
    9 (6)
    Honketonk Angel p J: Oisin McSweeney 5 12/1
  2. Circus Act silk
    5 (3)
    Circus Act p J: Mikey Sheehy 14/1
  3. Oranmore silk
    4 (10)
    Oranmore J: Scott McCullagh 3 100/30
    1. Mosaaheb silk
      6 (4)
      Mosaaheb b J: Sean Davis 17/2
    2. Hidden Land silk
      2 (2)
      Hidden Land t J: Jack Kearney 5 11/2
    3. Ciao Adios silk
      10 (12)
      Ciao Adios p J: Killian Leonard 6/1
    4. Kalsman silk
      12 (13)
      Kalsman J: Conor Maxwell 100/1
    5. Dreams Fled Away silk
      7 (7)
      Dreams Fled Away b J: N G McCullagh 5/2F
    6. Big Kitten silk
      3 (5)
      Big Kitten J: Donagh O'Connor 16/1
    7. Vodka Warlord silk
      13 (8)
      Vodka Warlord t J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 50/1
    8. Landue silk
      8 (1)
      Landue J: Shane B Kelly 28/1
    9. Dark Voyager silk
      1 (9)
      Dark Voyager p J: Sam Ewing 16/1
    10. Hague Convention silk
      11 (11)
      Hague Convention t J: Aileen O'Sullivan 10 150/1
Winning Trainer: Luke Comer
Distances: 1/2, 4 3/4, 1/2
Runners: 13

18:00 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Riyami silk
    6 (11)
    Riyami tp J: Killian Leonard 9/4F
  2. Curious Bride silk
    2 (6)
    Curious Bride t J: Sam Ewing 4/1
  3. Breagagh silk
    9 (5)
    Breagagh p J: Mikey Sheehy 16/1
    1. Elzaamsan silk
      3 (2)
      Elzaamsan tb J: N G McCullagh 4/1
    2. Picpoul silk
      4 (12)
      Picpoul J: Jack Kearney 5 16/1
    3. Kashi silk
      5 (9)
      Kashi J: Conor Maxwell 28/1
    4. Molly Hall silk
      7 (7)
      Molly Hall J: Gary Halpin 15/2
    5. Gains Of War silk
      11 (8)
      Gains Of War p J: Oisin McSweeney 5 25/1
    6. Astrophysicist silk
      8 (13)
      Astrophysicist J: Sean Davis 20/1
    7. Camino Mission silk
      10 (1)
      Camino Mission J: Wesley Joyce 5 125/1
    8. Kottayam silk
      1 (4)
      Kottayam J: Cian Horgan 7 10/1
    9. Swelltime silk
      12 (3)
      Swelltime h J: Jack Cleary 7 18/1
    10. Cant Catch Camacho silk
      13 (10)
      Cant Catch Camacho J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 18/1
Winning Trainer: Miss Shauna Larkin
Distances: 5, nk, 1 3/4
Runners: 13

18:30 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Saturn silk
    10 (6)
    Saturn t J: Scott McCullagh 3 100/30
  2. Banana Three silk
    3 (12)
    Banana Three b J: Colin Keane 13/2
  3. Garrybello silk
    1 (13)
    Garrybello t J: Ross Coakley 50/1
    1. Free Flow silk
      6 (4)
      Free Flow J: Luke McAteer 9/1
    2. War Correspondent silk
      2 (14)
      War Correspondent t J: Gary Carroll 13/2
    3. Nakassama silk
      8 (1)
      Nakassama J: Chris Hayes 16/1
    4. Gran Caballo silk
      7 (7)
      Gran Caballo t J: Declan McDonogh 16/1
    5. Highland Train silk
      16 (10)
      Highland Train J: W J Lee 150/1
    6. Yamalia Star silk
      14 (2)
      Yamalia Star p J: Seamie Heffernan 12/1
    7. Time To Tell silk
      13 (11)
      Time To Tell J: Mikey Sheehy 11/10F
    8. Dakota Chief silk
      4 (9)
      Dakota Chief J: Cian Horgan 7 50/1
    9. Dugort Bay silk
      5 (17)
      Dugort Bay J: Conor Maxwell 300/1
Winning Trainer: Mrs John Harrington
Distances: 2 1/2, 1 1/4, 3/4
Runners: 12 | Non Runners: 5

19:00 Dundalk (AW)

Full Result
  1. Caulaincourt silk
    11 (4)
    Caulaincourt b J: Colin Keane 11/2
  2. Bright N Shine silk
    10 (17)
    Bright N Shine t J: Adam Caffrey 5 13/8F
  3. Sky Legend silk
    6 (7)
    Sky Legend tp J: Sean D Bowen 5 5/1
    1. Emperor Of Silk silk
      15 (14)
      Emperor Of Silk b J: Chris Hayes 22/1
    2. Red Secret silk
      2 (10)
      Red Secret tb J: Wesley Joyce 5 12/1
    3. Jake Peter silk
      5 (5)
      Jake Peter J: Alan Persse 7 25/1
    4. Zileo silk
      3 (8)
      Zileo t J: W J Lee 4/1
    5. Turf Range silk
      1 (3)
      Turf Range b J: Hugh Horgan 7 25/1
    6. Mille Miglia silk
      12 (13)
      Mille Miglia J: Conor Maxwell 100/1
    7. Halcyon Spirit silk
      14 (9)
      Halcyon Spirit J: Siobhan Rutledge 3 33/1
    8. Nomenclature silk
      9 (1)
      Nomenclature J: Nathan Crosse 20/1
    9. Hearts Are Trumps silk
      4 (2)
      Hearts Are Trumps p J: Declan McDonogh 33/1
    10. Butterfly Garden silk
      7 (16)
      Butterfly Garden t J: Scott McCullagh 3 25/1
    11. Guild silk
      13 (6)
      Guild t J: Robbie Colgan 50/1
Winning Trainer: G M Lyons
Distances: 2 1/2, shd, hd
Runners: 14 | Non Runners: 3

11:10 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Happy Horse silk
    8 (3)
    Happy Horse het J: Angus Chung 5 43/10
  2. Goodmanship silk
    6 (4)
    Goodmanship tb J: L J Ferraris 43/5
  3. Fighting Star silk
    9 (5)
    Fighting Star b J: Karis Teetan 21/10F
    1. Strive For Glory silk
      3 (7)
      Strive For Glory et J: Zac Purton 43/10
    2. Happily Friends silk
      7 (6)
      Happily Friends v J: James McDonald 7/1
    3. Great Days silk
      1 (1)
      Great Days p J: Antoine Hamelin 12/1
    4. Dashing Glory silk
      4 (2)
      Dashing Glory b J: Matthew Poon 2 51/1
    5. Eight Trigrams silk
      5 (8)
      Eight Trigrams tb J: Jerry Chau 2 12/1
    6. Multimore silk
      2 (9)
      Multimore t J: H T Mo 2 78/10
Winning Trainer: K L Man
Distances: 3/4, 1, 1/2
Runners: 9

11:40 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Humble Star silk
    5 (3)
    Humble Star t J: Zac Purton 39/20
  2. Grateful Heart silk
    1 (4)
    Grateful Heart tb J: Andrea Atzeni 9/1
  3. Heroic Master silk
    4 (1)
    Heroic Master tp J: Karis Teetan 13/10F
    1. Explosive Witness silk
      3 (7)
      Explosive Witness J: James McDonald 66/10
    2. E Universe silk
      8 (6)
      E Universe t J: M L Yeung 23/1
    3. Jolly Ruler silk
      6 (8)
      Jolly Ruler h J: Matthew Poon 2 21/1
    4. California Deeply silk
      2 (2)
      California Deeply t J: Angus Chung 5 71/10
    5. Youth Power silk
      7 (5)
      Youth Power J: K C Leung 106/1
Winning Trainer: P C Ng
Distances: 1 1/4, nk, 1/2
Runners: 8

12:10 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Wonder Years silk
    6 (8)
    Wonder Years tb J: K De Melo 147/10
  2. Jubilation silk
    11 (1)
    Jubilation v J: Alexis Badel 42/10
  3. Super Hong Kong silk
    2 (5)
    Super Hong Kong tb J: Matthew Chadwick 30/1
    1. Ai One silk
      9 (4)
      Ai One ht J: Karis Teetan 18/1
    2. Flying Silver silk
      4 (6)
      Flying Silver t J: James McDonald 61/10
    3. Kasa Papa silk
      3 (10)
      Kasa Papa t J: Jerry Chau 2 15/1
    4. Vincy silk
      8 (11)
      Vincy t J: L Hewitson 18/1
    5. Darci Joy silk
      1 (2)
      Darci Joy tb J: Angus Chung 5 58/10
    6. Management Folks silk
      5 (7)
      Management Folks J: Brenton Avdulla 41/5
    7. Sunny Baby silk
      10 (9)
      Sunny Baby J: M L Yeung 26/1
    8. Kyrus Unicorn silk
      7 (3)
      Kyrus Unicorn b J: Zac Purton 2/1F
Winning Trainer: Douglas Whyte
Distances: 3/4, 2, 1/2
Runners: 11

12:40 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Turtle Again silk
    7 (1)
    Turtle Again tb J: K C Leung 19/5F
  2. Gold Sterling silk
    4 (8)
    Gold Sterling t J: Alexis Badel 15/1
  3. Diamond Winner silk
    9 (7)
    Diamond Winner h J: Antoine Hamelin 76/1
    1. Colourful Baron silk
      5 (11)
      Colourful Baron tb J: Zac Purton 48/10
    2. Joyful Champion silk
      10 (3)
      Joyful Champion t J: Andrea Atzeni 67/10
    3. Viva A La silk
      8 (4)
      Viva A La et J: Angus Chung 5 87/10
    4. Happy Hero silk
      2 (10)
      Happy Hero b J: L Hewitson 53/10
    5. Fortune Triple silk
      6 (5)
      Fortune Triple J: Matthew Chadwick 71/10
    6. Golden Fairy silk
      12 (2)
      Golden Fairy b J: K De Melo 14/1
    7. Travel Guide silk
      3 (9)
      Travel Guide tb J: L J Ferraris 61/1
    8. Mighty Star silk
      11 (12)
      Mighty Star htb J: Jerry Chau 2 17/1
    9. Sun Of Makfi silk
      1 (6)
      Sun Of Makfi b J: Brenton Avdulla 79/10
Winning Trainer: T P Yung
Distances: 2 3/4, 3/4, nk
Runners: 12 | Non Runners: 2

13:10 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Act Of Faith silk
    1 (2)
    Act Of Faith b J: Brenton Avdulla 18/5
  2. Kokushi Musou silk
    2 (5)
    Kokushi Musou t J: Alexis Badel 11/1
  3. Easy Snip silk
    8 (7)
    Easy Snip b J: Jerry Chau 2 31/1
    1. E Brother silk
      4 (12)
      E Brother tb J: K C Leung 50/1
    2. Talents Supremo silk
      5 (1)
      Talents Supremo t J: James McDonald 9/5F
    3. Rubylot silk
      3 (8)
      Rubylot p J: Zac Purton 48/10
    4. Tactical Command silk
      12 (3)
      Tactical Command J: M L Yeung 76/1
    5. Flaming Eagle silk
      11 (4)
      Flaming Eagle et J: Karis Teetan 67/10
    6. Timestorm silk
      10 (10)
      Timestorm J: L J Ferraris 12/1
    7. King Invincible silk
      7 (6)
      King Invincible t J: Andrea Atzeni 16/1
    8. Gallant Goody silk
      6 (11)
      Gallant Goody b J: Matthew Poon 2 70/1
    9. Hearty Wish silk
      9 (9)
      Hearty Wish tb J: Angus Chung 5 19/1
Winning Trainer: J Size
Distances: 1/2, nse, nk
Runners: 12 | Non Runners: 2

13:45 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Watch Buddy silk
    3 (1)
    Watch Buddy J: Alexis Badel 16/5F
  2. Super Eagle silk
    12 (5)
    Super Eagle t J: Matthew Chadwick 16/1
  3. Gallant Valour silk
    10 (10)
    Gallant Valour tb J: Brenton Avdulla 15/1
    1. Telecom Speed silk
      6 (12)
      Telecom Speed J: L Hewitson 23/1
    2. Exuberant silk
      5 (11)
      Exuberant tb J: Jerry Chau 2 61/10
    3. Winning Heart silk
      4 (8)
      Winning Heart tb J: Angus Chung 5 32/1
    4. Kasi Farasi silk
      9 (9)
      Kasi Farasi b J: K De Melo 18/1
    5. High Rise Soldier silk
      2 (4)
      High Rise Soldier b J: Andrea Atzeni 69/10
    6. Hero Star silk
      8 (2)
      Hero Star t J: K C Leung 17/2
    7. Regent Glory silk
      11 (6)
      Regent Glory J: Zac Purton 7/2
    8. Happy Fat Cat silk
      1 (3)
      Happy Fat Cat tp J: James McDonald 9/1
    9. Sight Victory silk
      7 (7)
      Sight Victory h J: Karis Teetan 17/1
Winning Trainer: P F Yiu
Distances: 1/2, nk, 1/2
Runners: 12 | Non Runners: 2

14:15 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Chill Chibi silk
    1 (6)
    Chill Chibi t J: Jerry Chau 2 23/20F
  2. Romantic Laos silk
    3 (3)
    Romantic Laos ht J: James McDonald 81/10
  3. Frantanck silk
    10 (5)
    Frantanck J: Karis Teetan 42/10
    1. Escape Route silk
      2 (10)
      Escape Route h J: Brenton Avdulla 26/1
    2. Lean Hero silk
      5 (8)
      Lean Hero tb J: K C Leung 73/10
    3. Gallant Hero silk
      8 (2)
      Gallant Hero J: Matthew Poon 2 15/1
    4. S J Tourbillon silk
      6 (7)
      S J Tourbillon tp J: L Hewitson 26/1
    5. Majestic Victory silk
      4 (9)
      Majestic Victory t J: Angus Chung 5 12/1
    6. Big Red silk
      7 (4)
      Big Red J: Zac Purton 87/10
    7. Suruga Bay silk
      9 (1)
      Suruga Bay b J: M L Yeung 54/1
Winning Trainer: C S Shum
Distances: 1, 1 3/4, 3/4
Runners: 10

14:50 Happy Valley

Full Result
  1. Son Pak Fu silk
    5 (9)
    Son Pak Fu b J: Jerry Chau 2 68/10
  2. Majestic Knight silk
    8 (2)
    Majestic Knight b J: Angus Chung 5 23/10F
  3. Howdeepisyourlove silk
    2 (1)
    Howdeepisyourlove J: Brenton Avdulla 18/5
    1. Bundle Of Charm silk
      6 (5)
      Bundle Of Charm J: Luke Currie 11/1
    2. Wonder Kit silk
      11 (4)
      Wonder Kit p J: L Hewitson 47/10
    3. Nordic Dragon silk
      4 (7)
      Nordic Dragon t J: James McDonald 83/10
    4. Goko Win silk
      9 (6)
      Goko Win b J: Andrea Atzeni 17/1
    5. Rewarding Together silk
      3 (3)
      Rewarding Together tb J: Matthew Poon 2 66/1
    6. Eason silk
      7 (8)
      Eason tv J: Karis Teetan 56/1
    7. Power Koepp silk
      12 (10)
      Power Koepp J: Matthew Chadwick 103/1
    8. Seasons Wit silk
      1 (11)
      Seasons Wit tb J: Zac Purton 77/10
Winning Trainer: T P Yung
Distances: 1 1/4, 1, nk
Runners: 11 | Non Runners: 1

12:55 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Principe silk
    1 (8)
    Principe J: Rene Piechulek 32/5
  2. Letty's Marvel silk
    15 (9)
    Letty's Marvel t J: Cristian Demuro 16/1
  3. Celestin silk
    2 (13)
    Celestin p J: Ioritz Mendizabal 43/5
    1. Katoucha silk
      4 (3)
      Katoucha J: Maxime Guyon 11/1
    2. Saint Etienne silk
      10 (14)
      Saint Etienne t J: Clement Lecoeuvre 22/5F
    3. Give Me Gold silk
      7 (6)
      Give Me Gold J: Mlle Coralie Pacaut 12/1
    4. Lofsongur Islande silk
      13 (5)
      Lofsongur Islande J: Eddy Hardouin 19/1
    5. Storm City silk
      12 (7)
      Storm City J: Alexis Pouchin 26/5
    6. Vents Contraires silk
      3 (16)
      Vents Contraires htp J: Mickael Forest 20/1
    7. Fayona silk
      16 (4)
      Fayona p J: Mlle Lea Bails 48/1
    8. True Tedesco silk
      9 (11)
      True Tedesco b J: Sibylle Vogt 13/1
    9. Centorina silk
      11 (1)
      Centorina tb J: Aurelien Lemaitre 27/1
    10. Cosmas silk
      6 (10)
      Cosmas t J: Rosario Mangione 25/1
    11. Tigrr silk
      5 (15)
      Tigrr t J: Hugo Journiac 29/1
    12. O'Ssitot silk
      14 (2)
      O'Ssitot J: Mickael Barzalona 10/1
    13. Szafran silk
      8 (12)
      Szafran t J: Mlle Manon Fleury 113/1
Winning Trainer: P Schiergen
Distances: 1 1/2, nse, 1
Runners: 16

13:30 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Mme Jourdain silk
    4 (5)
    Mme Jourdain J: Alexis Pouchin 11/5
  2. Cornelienne silk
    6 (2)
    Cornelienne J: Maxime Guyon 11/10F
  3. Private Dinning silk
    1 (4)
    Private Dinning p J: Ioritz Mendizabal 23/5
    1. Pebblesshinybright silk
      3 (3)
      Pebblesshinybright J: Mickael Barzalona 22/1
    2. Soleil Levant silk
      2 (6)
      Soleil Levant J: Cristian Demuro 11/2
    3. Scarletta silk
      5 (1)
      Scarletta J: Mlle Maryline Eon 3 39/1
Winning Trainer: A Fabre
Distances: 2, 1 1/2, nk
Runners: 6

14:05 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Golfing Star silk
    13 (11)
    Golfing Star b J: Theo Bachelot 69/10
  2. Zwialh silk
    1 (2)
    Zwialh J: Eddy Hardouin 10/1
  3. Waldkauz silk
    2 (5)
    Waldkauz J: Hugo Besnier 19/5
    1. On Y Va silk
      4 (7)
      On Y Va b J: Tristan Baron 16/1
    2. Lake Naivasha silk
      8 (8)
      Lake Naivasha J: Alexis Pouchin 83/10
    3. Flamboyante silk
      6 (3)
      Flamboyante t J: Mlle Coralie Pacaut 3 14/1
    4. Rihama silk
      3 (6)
      Rihama t J: Mlle Ambre Molins 3 26/1
    5. Great Charlie silk
      7 (16)
      Great Charlie t J: Alexandre Roussel 9/1
    6. Kenny silk
      16 (13)
      Kenny t J: Mickael Barzalona 37/10F
    7. Soaring Eagle silk
      15 (9)
      Soaring Eagle p J: Aurelien Lemaitre 49/1
    8. Tortola silk
      5 (14)
      Tortola t J: Christopher Grosbois 61/1
    9. Zillipom silk
      11 (15)
      Zillipom tp J: Benjamin Marie 27/1
    10. Heartbeat silk
      10 (10)
      Heartbeat ht J: Dorian Provost 3 23/1
    11. Zhivago silk
      12 (4)
      Zhivago J: Mlle Lea Bails 4 35/1
    12. Toriano silk
      9 (12)
      Toriano J: Fabien Lefebvre 61/1
    13. Sharp Queen silk
      14 (1)
      Sharp Queen t J: Cesar Belmont 4 44/1
Winning Trainer: S Cerulis
Distances: nk, 1 1/2, nk
Runners: 16

14:40 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Cape Cannon silk
    4 (10)
    Cape Cannon J: Mlle Marie Velon 3 9/1
  2. Yoox silk
    9 (4)
    Yoox t J: Maxime Guyon 33/10
  3. Jess Livermore silk
    1 (7)
    Jess Livermore J: Stephane Pasquier 12/5
    1. Swann silk
      11 (2)
      Swann J: Axel Baron 3 36/1
    2. Mia Man silk
      2 (3)
      Mia Man J: Cristian Demuro 21/10F
    3. Fashion Grey silk
      6 (9)
      Fashion Grey J: Tony Piccone 12/1
    4. Santo silk
      7 (11)
      Santo J: Ioritz Mendizabal 15/1
    5. Nice Pauli silk
      8 (5)
      Nice Pauli t J: Mickael Forest 89/1
    6. Probably Me silk
      5 (8)
      Probably Me J: Ronan Thomas 70/1
    7. Algot silk
      3 (6)
      Algot tb J: Jerome Moutard 26/1
    8. Vibrato silk
      10 (1)
      Vibrato t J: Simon Planque 74/1
Winning Trainer: F-H Graffard
Distances: hd, 1 1/4, 1
Runners: 11

15:15 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Cisky silk
    16 (6)
    Cisky t J: Damien Boche 237/10
  2. Timeless Melody silk
    1 (15)
    Timeless Melody tb J: Cristian Demuro 18/1
  3. El Bnoud silk
    11 (14)
    El Bnoud p J: Fabien Lefebvre 33/1
    1. Chubasco silk
      10 (12)
      Chubasco t J: Mickael Barzalona 18/5F
    2. Red Grace silk
      8 (8)
      Red Grace J: Tony Piccone 5/1
    3. Orange Vif silk
      15 (10)
      Orange Vif p J: Ronan Thomas 23/1
    4. Maranado silk
      14 (5)
      Maranado t J: Morgan Delalande 21/1
    5. Blackbirdfly silk
      13 (3)
      Blackbirdfly t J: Benjamin Marie 12/1
    6. Franky Forever silk
      3 (4)
      Franky Forever t J: Delphine Santiago 3 45/1
    7. Manne silk
      4 (2)
      Manne J: Hugo Boutin 36/5
    8. Imperial Beauty silk
      9 (11)
      Imperial Beauty J: Aurelien Lemaitre 14/1
    9. Bocciatore silk
      7 (13)
      Bocciatore t J: Stephane Pasquier 67/10
    10. Zelzalita silk
      12 (16)
      Zelzalita t J: Sebastien Maillot 38/1
    11. Black Lives Matter silk
      5 (7)
      Black Lives Matter p J: Alexis Pouchin 17/1
    12. Ronaldo silk
      2 (1)
      Ronaldo t J: Maxime Guyon 9/1
Winning Trainer: B Audouin
Distances: 3/4, nk, shd
Runners: 15 | Non Runners: 1

15:50 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Al Agaila silk
    14 (8)
    Al Agaila J: Ioritz Mendizabal 5/2F
  2. Clochette silk
    3 (7)
    Clochette J: Pierre-Louis Jamin 18/1
  3. Belle Et Grise silk
    16 (3)
    Belle Et Grise J: Antonio Orani 14/1
    1. Brazilian Surprise silk
      5 (14)
      Brazilian Surprise t J: Rosario Mangione 34/1
    2. Glittering Lights silk
      9 (10)
      Glittering Lights p J: Tony Piccone 37/1
    3. Percussion silk
      12 (11)
      Percussion J: Alexis Pouchin 14/1
    4. Gregarina silk
      2 (4)
      Gregarina ht J: Cristian Demuro 11/2
    5. Nano Nagle silk
      10 (5)
      Nano Nagle J: Mickael Barzalona 16/1
    6. Sophie's Watch silk
      15 (15)
      Sophie's Watch t J: Vaclav Janacek 29/1
    7. Paz silk
      11 (2)
      Paz J: Stephane Pasquier 19/1
    8. Tigrais silk
      7 (16)
      Tigrais J: Aurelien Lemaitre 51/10
    9. Garbo silk
      4 (6)
      Garbo J: Maxime Guyon 22/1
    10. Pastiche silk
      13 (1)
      Pastiche J: Olivier Peslier 27/1
    11. Sea Of Ash silk
      6 (12)
      Sea Of Ash t J: Theo Bachelot 18/1
    12. Knock On silk
      1 (9)
      Knock On J: Ronan Thomas 13/1
    13. Sunset Lane silk
      8 (13)
      Sunset Lane J: Augustin Madamet 71/1
Winning Trainer: Simon & Ed Crisford
Distances: 2 1/2, 1 3/4, 3/4
Runners: 16

16:25 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Deep Sea silk
    1 (13)
    Deep Sea J: Mlle Marie Velon 3 171/10
  2. Lettyt Fight silk
    5 (12)
    Lettyt Fight p J: Eddy Hardouin 36/5
  3. Nosdargent silk
    11 (3)
    Nosdargent J: Mlle Coralie Pacaut 3 59/10
    1. Margesson silk
      3 (5)
      Margesson t J: Mickael Barzalona 9/2
    2. Love Is Gold silk
      6 (9)
      Love Is Gold tb J: Dorian Provost 3 27/10F
    3. West Martin silk
      2 (1)
      West Martin ht J: Alexis Pouchin 11/1
    4. Circo Massimo silk
      15 (11)
      Circo Massimo tb J: Corentin Berge 47/1
    5. Stormy silk
      9 (4)
      Stormy J: Tony Piccone 22/1
    6. On The Edge silk
      8 (2)
      On The Edge J: Mlle Lea Bails 3 71/1
    7. Yellowblue silk
      16 (15)
      Yellowblue J: Stephane Pasquier 24/1
    8. The Ivy silk
      12 (6)
      The Ivy b J: Ioritz Mendizabal 24/1
    9. Luci Del Faro silk
      14 (7)
      Luci Del Faro t J: Ronan Thomas 15/1
    10. La Javanaise silk
      4 (16)
      La Javanaise b J: Tristan Baron 49/1
    11. Maktava silk
      10 (8)
      Maktava J: Mlle Megane Peslier 6 23/1
    12. No Cure No Pay silk
      7 (10)
      No Cure No Pay J: Maxime Guyon 17/1
Winning Trainer: E Libaud
Distances: nse, 1 3/4, 3/4
Runners: 15 | Non Runners: 1

17:00 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Gaylor Senora silk
    5 (13)
    Gaylor Senora t J: Aurelien Lemaitre 175/10
  2. Chance silk
    8 (2)
    Chance t J: Dorian Provost 5 7/2F
  3. Endless Chain silk
    6 (3)
    Endless Chain t J: Clement Lecoeuvre 10/1
    1. Khochenko silk
      4 (5)
      Khochenko J: Mlle Coralie Pacaut 3 68/10
    2. Young Man silk
      1 (12)
      Young Man J: Axel Baron 31/1
    3. Grand Balcon silk
      11 (8)
      Grand Balcon J: Theo Bachelot 30/1
    4. Hernan Cortes silk
      16 (1)
      Hernan Cortes t J: Ioritz Mendizabal 53/1
    5. Seigneur silk
      15 (9)
      Seigneur t J: Ludovic Boisseau 43/10
    6. Helles silk
      10 (6)
      Helles p J: Maxime Guyon 9/1
    7. Looking At Me silk
      9 (15)
      Looking At Me t J: Tony Piccone 78/10
    8. El Manifico silk
      12 (14)
      El Manifico J: Stephane Pasquier 22/1
    9. Assiniboine silk
      3 (11)
      Assiniboine J: Malone Favriaux 5 14/1
    10. Exciting silk
      7 (4)
      Exciting b J: Mlle Megane Peslier 5 20/1
    11. Morcote silk
      2 (7)
      Morcote J: Sibylle Vogt 3 29/1
    12. Revoltee silk
      14 (10)
      Revoltee ht J: Olivier Peslier 40/1
Winning Trainer: S Cerulis
Distances: 1 1/2, nk, snk
Runners: 15 | Non Runners: 1

17:30 Deauville

Full Result
  1. Just A Perfect Day silk
    1 (5)
    Just A Perfect Day t J: Eddy Hardouin 15/2
  2. Polminhac silk
    4 (2)
    Polminhac J: Aurelien Lemaitre 9/1
  3. Janisa Bere silk
    10 (9)
    Janisa Bere t J: Jerome Moutard 56/10
    1. King Of Twist silk
      8 (11)
      King Of Twist J: Hugo Journiac 49/10F
    2. Sea Wings silk
      3 (16)
      Sea Wings tp J: Maxime Guyon 67/10
    3. Dragon Love silk
      9 (14)
      Dragon Love p J: Augustin Madamet 17/1
    4. Forever Coco silk
      2 (15)
      Forever Coco J: Delphine Santiago 3 76/10
    5. Secret Glory silk
      14 (7)
      Secret Glory J: Sebastien Maillot 68/10
    6. Miles silk
      5 (6)
      Miles tb J: Stephane Pasquier 30/1
    7. Konig Chouchen silk
      13 (3)
      Konig Chouchen tp J: Mlle Coralie Pacaut 4 39/1
    8. Lou Balicot silk
      11 (13)
      Lou Balicot tp J: Mlle Maryline Eon 3 16/1
    9. Spinning Mist silk
      15 (12)
      Spinning Mist tp J: Alexandre Roussel 20/1
    10. Marastar silk
      6 (1)
      Marastar t J: Christopher Grosbois 32/1
    11. Miss Cosy silk
      7 (10)
      Miss Cosy J: Ioritz Mendizabal 31/1
Winning Trainer: C Lotoux
Distances: nk, 1/2, nk
Runners: 14 | Non Runners: 2

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